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Non-clinical volunteering: 50 hours with organization through undergrad that visited middle schools and taught kids scientific method. 200 hours with organization working to provide housing for specific population of women. 50 hours habitat for humanity Extracurricular activities: Powerlifting (won first place in a competition and started a powerlifting club at my school) ~2000 hours. Leadership for one year in premedical organization, my role was philanthropy-focused, directly partnered with Children's Miracle Network Hospital ~500 hours. Employment history: 4000 hours scribing ED promoted to leadership/trainer role after one year, 100 hours scribing Orthopedic Surgery, 1000 hours as a Gen Chem tutor through my university Immediate family members in medicine? (y/n): N Specialty of interest: Open-minded

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0 · Like · Reply · Apr 3rd 2015, 2:15pm posted a news article Mar 30th 2015, 6:23pm WEEKEND RECAP: Bromell, Stigler, and the Year of the Vault - USTFCCCA NEW ORLEANS – We're waiting another week for the first regular-season edition of the NCAA Division I National Team Computer Rankings to allow more teams to make their transition from the indoor season into the great outdoors.